Portrait photography is evolving – why introduce augmented reality technology WebAR?

Every year competition among photographers grows, so help keep afloat services that can increase the price without serious financial costs. Or compensate for the loss of the customer base with the influx of “fresh blood” when young photographers reduce the price tag and «steal» customers, even without an impressive portfolio. Now some are learning to […]

Introduction of WebAR-games – a new way to attract clients.

Augmented reality helps to launch an online project that will facilitate the work both for the ordinary user and for any business company. With AR technology, the mobile app is no longer necessary. Downloading additional programs often made communication difficult – now the modern user is given the opportunity to go through QR-code scanning on […]

Introducing augmented reality into museums and exhibitions

At first augmented reality technology evolved at the level of ordinary business cards, when hovering on which animation appeared with different effects and functions. Today, virtual scenes quietly run in real space, helping to decorate any cultural event – from museums to exhibitions. The motionless painting on the wall can be even more inspiring and […]

Application of augmented reality (AR) – what are the options?

Why would augmented reality (AR) that works without applications (WebAR) improve sales, advertising, or engagement of almost any product? Augmented reality is increasingly spreading to the domestic market for goods and services. Within augmented reality, each object is clickable – it helps to perform various actions. Such simplicity of WebAR technology is a real leap […]

Design Tips for AR

At its best, augmented reality is an interactive storybook that briefly makes the end user suspend their disbelief and feel like their physical environment is integrated with digital content. As an augmented reality designer, your goal is to surprise and delight users while maintaining immersion throughout the entire process. A good comparison is a magician […]

Bringing Photos to Life with WebAR as the Idea That Changed My Approach to Photo Albums

Greetings, dear reader! My name is Alexander, I am a photographer with 22 years of experience, and in this article I would like to tell you about an amazing discovery for me in the field of creating photo albums and personal photographs. To be honest, lately there have been a lot of young photographers who […]